Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Research
Jin-Han Xie's Homepage
I am Jin-Han Xie, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanics, College of Engineering, Peking University. I was a Courant Instructor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, where I collaborate with Prof. Oliver Bühler. I was a postdoc working with Prof. Edgar Knobloch at the physics department of University of California, Berkeley. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in applied math at the mathematics department of the University of Edinburgh under the supervision of Prof. Jacques Vanneste.
My research focuses on fluid dynamics, including geophysical fluid dynamics, turbulence, magnetohydrodynamics and microfluid dynamics.
My CV can be found here (CV).